Now you'll only see one template labeled Display Text with the boolean data type. 现在您将会看到只有一个标签为DisplayText的模板及其拜伦数据类型。
Unfortunately, JAXB failed to pick up on this and use a boolean data type& instead, the TopType class accepts any string value for this attribute. 不幸的是,JAXB没有发现这一点并使用布尔数据类型,TopType类的这个属性可以接受任何字符串值。
Select Boolean from the Data type drop-down list, and choose false as the default value of the flag. 从Data类型下拉列表中选择Boolean,然后选择false作为标志的默认值。
In the Details section of the Properties view for the new variable, ensure Data Type is checked, click Browse, and then select boolean from the list of types. 在新变量的Properties视图的Details部分,确保选中了DataType,单击Browse,然后从类型列表中选择boolean。
To model more complex designs, you can type tags by stereotypes and meta-classes, in addition to Boolean, string, integer, user-defined data type, and terms. 危机对更加复杂的设计建模,除了逻辑型,字符串型,整数型,用户自定义的数据类型,您可以对更加复杂的问题建模。
The boolean data type is used to specify a true or false value. 逻辑数据类型用于指定值的真或假。